IT Department

In-House Processing & Support
Keystone’s operation success has always benefited from its internal IT capacity. A highly customized suite of tools, self-made project management software, and backroom processing allows our flight crews and post-production team to operate efficiently. Constantly updating to meet the needs of our changing workflow, Keystone maintains cutting-edge technology to serve and support our customers.
Keystone’s backroom capabilities include:
2.4 petabytes of spinning disk storage for processing and archival
Automated Tape Library for long-term archiving, totaling more than 10 petabytes
A dedicated server cluster with 150 cores of Xeon Gold processors
Fiber-optic and 10GBE Ethernet ring network
Internal SQLServer database for tracking and job monitoring
Live KML updating flight boards to monitor progress on all jobs
In-house programmers build software to meet the needs of changing job specifications
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